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A special blend: Tank Juice and goRoster in the mix together

Updated: Feb 23, 2022


When you go to TANK, you’ll get a mind blowing health experience. Not only are they fast, original, and fresh but their menu is packed with delicious nutrients – whether it’s their juices, smoothies, salads or wraps. Tank gives the health-conscious Kiwi an easy way to get their daily dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Tank recently brought goRoster in to help with the management of staff. goRoster enabled the management team to reconstruct their paper-based system to an online format that was quicker and easier to train staff. Plus there is the added bonus of being able to access all important information anytime, anywhere via the digital cloud, without having to download any third-party software. Jess Dempsey, Human Resources Manager of Tank Juice, says that everyone at Tank – from the management team to the staff – absolutely love the new system that goRoster initiated.

“Goroster has transformed the way we manage our staff. With over 60 stores across New Zealand and hundreds of staff to manage, Goroster has allowed us to prepare rosters, communicate with staff and track times. An all in one package, that is simple to use and integrates directly with Payroll.” – Jess Dempsey, Human Resources Manager of Tank Juice.

goRoster has allowed the management staff to have better control so that there aren’t any bombshells at the end of the week. In fact, the mobile app ensures that every team member is on the same page in real time. With goRoster’s online and mobile system, it is easier to stay within your budget, cut down costs and meet targets because you have the ability to forecast expenditures by looking at previous needs.

Jess goes on to say that, “The management team loves the use of goRoster for its simple, cost-effective way of managing staff rosters, time sheets, leave, and communications. goRoster has provided us with visibility of all staff across 60+ stores and allowed for greater management of our teams.” – Jess Dempsey, Human Resources Manager of Tank Juice.


We all know that our staff is our most important resource. With goRoster’s tracking software, you are able to manage your staff wisely and effectively which will increase your bottom line. goRoster takes away the guesswork. You can actually see where things are ineffective and reorganise any areas that are not meeting your business’s needs.

goRoster is proud to be part of Tank’s successful business. To find out how goRoster can benefit your business sign up for our free, no obligation 30 day trial today.



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